Pieza de cerámica modelada y esmaltada a mano sobre diferentes cadenas.
Combina el color y la cadena que más te guste.
ACID es un acrónimo de Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability. (Atomicidad, Consistencia, Aislamiento y Durabilidad)
A mediados de 1980 se utilizó este nombre para denominar a un nuevo tipo de música que nació en Chicago, y se extendió por Reino Unido, Australia y toda Europa continental. Se caracterizaba por su ritmo rápido y repetitivo y el empleo de sintetizadores.
Acid house, Acid techno, Acid jazz.
Ceramic piece modeled and enameled by hand on different chains.
Combine the color and the chain that you like the most.
ACID is an acronym for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability.
In the mid-1980s this name was used to refer to a new type of music that was born in Chicago, and spread throughout the United Kingdom, Australia and all of continental Europe. It was characterized by its fast and repetitive rhythm and the use of synthesizers.
Acid house, Acid techno, Acid jazz.